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Evangelism Made Simple

In Matthew 28:19-20, the Great Commission says,
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

We have all been charged by God to do the impossible — to go evangelize the world! What an awesome responsibility! But do the people in our churches feel comfortable sharing the Gospel? Do they know how to share the Good News?

Gateway Resource Library is proud to release our newest resource, Evangelism – Go and Tell, which is a series of 4 classes designed to walk you through why evangelism is for every Christian and how to effectively share your personal story and the Gospel. With assets for the teacher and congregants alike, we know this series will help your church!

Evangelism Made Simple Topics:

Evangelism is not scary
Session 1: What, Who, and Why?
As believers, we are all called by Jesus to make disciples. This includes going, showing and telling others about the goodness of God to win them to Christ. We do this because God is passionate about all people and compassionate people will put action to their love for God and others!
Session 2: Share Your Story
We are witnesses! We have been chosen and equipped and it is our duty to go and tell what we have seen and heard. Will we take the 5th, or will we start a conversation, ask questions, listen well, and then share our stories? Go and tell your story and God will do the rest!
You can evangelize
Evangelism Basics
Session 3: Planting Seeds and Reaping Harvests
The Gospel is the good news that God became man in Christ. He lived the life we should’ve lived and died the death we should’ve died, in our place. Three days later, He rose from the dead proving He was the Son of God, and He offers the gift of salvation and the forgiveness of sins to everyone who repents and believes in Him. It is important that we learn to share this because God’s Word never returns void. If we plant, we will eventually reap what we sow!
Session 4: God’s Part and Our Part
Since the beginning, God has always partnered with a person to bring forth His work in the earth. He chooses to need us and all we have to do is pray and ask (hear), go and look (believe), and show and tell (obey). And when we follow Jesus’ instruction to wait and allow ourselves to be empowered as witnesses by the Holy Spirit, we will have everything we need to Go and Tell!
Evangelism Made Simple

Evangelism Made Simple Assets:

Each of the 4 sessions contains:

  • Video lessons with a PowerPoint presentation
  • Sample Teacher Scripts
  • Teacher notes and class handouts
  • Sample follow-up email template and handout
  • Additional videos that supplement the series

Feel free to use all of it, including pressing play on the lesson videos at your church for your classes or use the attachments and handouts as you make the teaching your own in a live setting. There is some mention of Gateway present in the handouts to provide context to our values and beliefs. Please feel free to edit or delete as you see fit. Our heart is for this to serve you in whatever capacity you need.

We hope that this resource serves you well! Our assignment from Jesus, himself, is to go into the world and win as many people to Christ as we can and disciple them to win as many people to Christ as they can. Let’s go!

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